Resource Exhaustion API Attacks

Resource exhaustion API attacks, also known as resource consumption attacks or denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, aim to exhaust the resources of an API or the underlying server infrastructure by overwhelming them with an excessive volume of requests or by exploiting vulnerabilities that cause resource depletion.

These attacks can target various system resources, including CPU, memory, network bandwidth, database connections, or other limited resources. The goal is to disrupt or degrade the availability and performance of the API, rendering it inaccessible or unresponsive to legitimate users.

Resource exhaustion API attacks can take different forms, including:

  1. HTTP Flood Attacks: Attackers generate a massive number of HTTP requests to flood the API server with traffic, consuming its resources and causing service degradation or unavailability.
  2. Slowloris Attacks: Attackers send a large number of HTTP requests but deliberately keep the connections open and send the requests slowly, exhausting the server's available connections and resources.
  3. Buffer Overflow Attacks: Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in the API implementation to overflow buffers or allocate excessive memory, leading to resource exhaustion and potential system crashes.
  4. Database Connection Exhaustion: Attackers flood the API with requests that require database access, rapidly exhausting the available connections or overwhelming the database server.

To mitigate the risks associated with resource exhaustion API attacks, the following preventive measures can be implemented: