Pointer/Object Dereference Attacks

Pointer/Object dereference attacks, also known as pointer/object manipulation attacks, are a type of security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker leverages improper handling or manipulation of pointers or objects within a program. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities that allow an attacker to access, modify, or delete memory locations or objects that they are not supposed to have access to.

In programming, a pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable or object. Dereferencing a pointer means accessing or manipulating the value stored at the memory address it points to. Pointer/object dereference attacks occur when there are flaws in the handling of pointers or objects, allowing an attacker to manipulate them in unintended ways.

Some common types of pointer/object dereference attacks include:

  1. Null Pointer Dereference: This occurs when a program tries to access or manipulate a pointer that has not been properly initialized or has been set to a null value. It can lead to crashes or unintended behavior.
  2. Dangling Pointer Dereference: This occurs when a program dereferences a pointer that still holds a memory address, but the memory has already been freed or deallocated. It can result in accessing or modifying invalid memory locations, leading to crashes or security vulnerabilities.
  3. Object Type Confusion: This occurs when an attacker manipulates object references or polymorphic types to trick the program into treating an object of one type as if it were another type. It can lead to unauthorized access, data corruption, or code execution.
  4. Untrusted Pointer Manipulation: This occurs when an attacker manipulates pointers or objects to overwrite critical data structures or control flow within a program, leading to arbitrary code execution or privilege escalation.

To mitigate pointer/object dereference attacks, the following preventive measures can be implemented: