File Metadata

File metadata provides essential attributes and context about digital files:

File Name and Extension

Metadata includes the file name and extension, indicating the file's format.

File Size

Metadata specifies the file size, important for storage and data transfer considerations.

Creation and Modification Dates

Timestamps in metadata show when the file was created, modified, or accessed.

File Type and Format

Metadata defines the file type (e.g., image, document) and format (e.g., JPEG, PDF).

Author or Creator

Some files include metadata about the author or creator of the content.

Permissions and Access Control

Metadata indicates file permissions, access rights, and ownership details.

Location and Path

Metadata may show the file's location within a file system or directory structure.

Version Information

For versioned files, metadata includes version details for change tracking.

Checksums and Hashes

Metadata may include checksums or hashes for verifying file integrity.