Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) and Network-based Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS)

Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) and Network-based Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) are security solutions designed to monitor and protect computer networks from unauthorized access, malicious activities, and potential security breaches.

Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)

NIDS is a passive security system that monitors network traffic, analyzing data packets and looking for suspicious patterns or behaviors that might indicate a security threat or intrusion. When NIDS detects such activities, it generates alerts or notifications for network administrators to investigate further. NIDS does not take direct action to prevent or block intrusions; it only raises alarms for further analysis.

Network-based Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS)

NIPS, on the other hand, is an active security system that not only monitors network traffic but also takes proactive measures to prevent and block potential threats. When NIPS identifies suspicious activities or attacks, it can automatically take action to block malicious traffic or execute countermeasures to stop the intrusion from progressing further. NIPS provides a more immediate and automated response compared to NIDS.

Functionality of NIDS and NIPS

Both NIDS and NIPS perform the following key functions:

Use Cases of NIDS and NIPS

NIDS and NIPS are used in various scenarios to enhance network security:


NIDS and NIPS are vital components of network security, helping organizations monitor and protect their networks from various cyber threats. While NIDS focuses on detection and alerting, NIPS goes a step further by actively preventing and mitigating potential intrusions. Together, they form an essential part of a comprehensive network security strategy, enhancing the overall resilience and defense against cyberattacks.