Dual Supply

Dual supply power, also known as redundant power supply, is a concept used in resilient systems to ensure continuous and reliable power delivery to critical infrastructure, such as servers, networking equipment, and data centers. It involves the use of multiple independent power sources to eliminate single points of failure and enhance system availability.

How Dual Supply Power Works

In a dual supply power configuration, the critical infrastructure is equipped with two or more independent power supplies. These power supplies can be connected to different power sources, such as separate power grids, utility feeds, or backup generators. The system is designed to automatically switch to the alternate power supply if the primary power source fails or experiences an issue.

When the primary power source is operational, the dual supply power system operates in a load-sharing mode, distributing the power demand across both supplies. This ensures that each power supply operates within its capacity and reduces the risk of overload.

Benefits of Dual Supply Power

Dual supply power offers several advantages for ensuring resilient power supply:

Considerations for Dual Supply Power

When implementing dual supply power, the following considerations should be taken into account:


Dual supply power is a critical component of resilient systems, providing redundancy and high availability to critical infrastructure. By utilizing multiple independent power sources and enabling automatic switchover, dual supply power eliminates single points of failure and enhances system reliability, ensuring continuous operations and protecting against power-related disruptions.